Dallas cowboys

“I’AM LEAVING” NFL Quarterback Dak Prescott has announced that he is leaving the Dallas Cowboys due to…..

FRISCO – We have often praised ESPN’s Dan Orlovsky for his TV work when he discusses serious topics … seriously. But when he is obviously showboating in an attempt to be another “Stephen A. Skip”?

We do not praise that.

Orlovsky, speaking on “First Take,” is calling for the Dallas Cowboys to part ways with Dak Prescott.

His reasoning is as odd as his solution is vague, as he cites unmet Super Bowl expectations coupled with his view that the “America’s Team” roster cannot “support” those expectations.

Expectations” from whom? The fan base? We can tell you with some confidence that at this very moment, Cowboys Nation is not “expecting” the presently-stripped-down 2024 Dallas roster of winning the Super Bowl.

Indeed, many of the “expectations” stem from people like Orlovsky at ESPN who keep saying this like this, stoking a fire that we all know is a few logs short.

To whom? To what? How? As we say frequently in this space, “Show Your Work.”

Does Orlovsky want to trade Prescott? Cut him? Does Orlovsky not realize the financial ramifications of that sort of “move-on” nonsense?

Does he not know that if Dak is cut or traded today, the cap impact for 2024 remains at $55 million!?

Has he also not considered the challenge of finding a QB who is better than Prescott to replace him (which is what the point of “moving on” would be, right?)


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