Heartbreaking news, She is done with me: Howard and Beth are going to get divorced

Howard and Beth are going to get divorced(oh yes)
I made a thread like this a year ago and most did not believe me.
Now she is going to Paris…ALONE.
Beth wants to party with celebs…but Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Falon’s wives concocted a scheme to make her hate Howard by pointing out what a weirdo he is in an email chain that they “accidentally” included her in.
They destroyed Howeird in her eyes in the worst way possible. He went from the cool kid back to hanging out with the Star Trekkie club.
Celebs and their wives are pure Satanic and evil. Howard wanted to fit in with them not realizing they are demons in disguise.
Now Beth wants to get away from his uncool Howard Hughes germ fearing butt.
He gave her no kid, he made her sign a prenup and now he keeps her in bondage both protecting himself and fulfilling his fantasy at once.
She is done. The horny mimes are waiting!